Explanation Text

How does my computer get malware?

Malware is software that is created with the aim of entering and sometimes damaging a computer system, network, or server without the owner knowing it.

The malware attacks your computer because using illegal antivirus.

Why can't we use illegal antivirus?

a)    Because the Nesting Place of Malware

Illegal antivirus is a breeding ground for malware. If your computer uses an illegal antivirus, this malware easily puts users at risk of stealing even confidential information or personal data. Not only that, illegal antivirus users also have the potential to become victims of bank account data theft.

b)    Computer Performance and Functions are not optimal

The use of illegal antivirus has a bad side effect on the performance and function of computers, whether in the home or office. It is undeniable, installing illegal antivirus is cheaper than the original one, but if the security and performance are not optimal, it will be a problem in itself.

c)    Virus attacks that destroy data

The use of illegal antivirus also has the potential to make the device infected with viruses that can damage or lose stored data. For that, if you are still using illegal antivirus, make sure to remove it or replace it with a legal antivirus.

  Beside, not changing passwords regularly.

  Why do we have to change passwords regularly?

a)    Because, to maintain the security of information and accounts.

The function of a password is to protect important information and data stored in an account. However, if the user uses a password that is easy to hack or even guess, it puts information and accounts at risk. Therefore, users need to change passwords regularly to prevent theft of information and accounts.

b)    Limitation of violations to multiple accounts.

Not a few social media users use one password for all social media accounts. However, try to use a different password for each account. Using the same password across multiple accounts increases the risk of access to all of these accounts if the passwords the user is using are successfully hacked.

c)    Prevent hackers from accessing constantly.

Hackers or hackers are likely to access user accounts more than once or even access them regularly. By changing passwords regularly, users can prevent hackers who may have constant access and can also protect their accounts.



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